
Showing posts from February, 2018

Isn't this Vision musical?

A friend of mine has been active in the field of Music since his childhood. He took up to playing Tabla very early and became reasonably proficient in it. Although  fate  decided that his career would be in the corporate world, his love for music never stopped; his heart was deeply into Music. Destiny also played a part in his life as he married a performing artist.  His early life experiences and later on his involvement in performing arts taught him that while the  top-tier  artists reached the highest levels with their talent and hard work, there were many dedicated and accomplished artists who needed help and support. There was a lack of dedicated platforms for professional networking that is available in other disciplines such as industry and academics.  He understood the difficulties the artists faced in  optimizing  their time and travel while  performing in various locations  and felt an urge to do something about it instead of just hoping they and the society of art